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What is Common Ground Healing?

We all have the ability and the right to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.
No two experiences are the same and healing is very individual, but we all have some form of trauma that hasn't been released. We hold onto it like that old pair of ripped jeans that we just can't seem to let go of. There's lots of wear and tear, but it fits so perfectly and supports all the right areas. That's what makes them feel so comforting. Getting a new pair would be too risky and there's a break in period and oh my God, what if I end up not liking them? The problem is that eventually that worn part on the ass of those loyal pair of jeans will eventually give out.
It could even happen in public exposing a sensitive area of our being. Ever cried at work even though you tried like hell to hold it in? That would be your old jeans finally giving out because you put comfort over change. For some, old wounds serve them well. It is an excuse to withdraw, to remain angry or even resist personal growth in that with growth comes growing pains.


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Heather Lyn Hartford, RN BSN

From Damariscotta, Maine. In my late 40’s. Married 20 yrs with two young adult children.

Registered nurse for over 20 yrs.


Passionate about helping others navigate through life, learning new things and rocks. Seriously, I love rocks!

Queen of chaos control


Not afraid to tell my story and bare it all


Master of medical system management


Trauma Tamer


Natural born healer


Spiritual life coach



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